Having just left the Israeli Kibbutz, we traveled farther west towards the Gaza Strip. Was it safe for us to be this close? Primarily controlled by Hamas, what many countries, including the US, call a terrorist group, many students wondered what we would discover by standing outside of the wall that separated the Gaza Strip from Israel. There weren't many signs of life for about a mile, except armed checkpoints and guard stations with bored border patrol units "watching" the wall.
Upon following a dirt road, we arrived at the Path to Peace Wall that towered over us less than 500 ft from the "border wall". The dove painted on the wall seemed to glisten in the sun. Unable to process this symbol of peace facing one of the most violent areas of the country, I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.
When the designer and artist of the wall began to explain the purpose and creation of the project, I began to recognize the true meaning of our journey. As a symbol of peace and hope, the wall represented collective action against violence. The designer of the wall meant for it to be a place where people can join in nonviolent action against the years of hatred, violence, and anger. It represents common ground.
As I added mosaics to the wall, my mind kept returning to my experience in Hebron. What is the role of shared experience in peacemaking? How can violence in the world, and more specifically in Israel and Palestine, be transformed through the practice of creating something? How can reverence for life be ignited through the creation of art or through storytelling?
At the Path to Peace Wall, I continued my personal commitment to nonviolence by helping to make this beautiful piece of art that represents life and hope. How can the people of Israel and Palestine encounter one another long enough and deep enough to find healing? What if that is actually the end goal? Should we begin searching for opportunities of healing over creating peace? How can a shared experience promote group healing?
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